CIO Orphanage, Cambodia
GF&W Fundraising
About the CIO
- Founded in 2009, CIO is a non-profit/non-government organization that was created to save the lives of homeless and severely underprivileged children in Cambodia.
- CIO provides around the clock care for children who are unable to be cared for by their families. Some of the parents of the children are still alive, however they have become ‘orphans’ because of a range of factors, including poverty.
- The Director of CIO, Sitha Toeung and Sreymom are responsible for the day to day care of the children, many of whom have been in their care since 2009. All children attend local Khmer schools, as well as receiving English classes from their teacher, Sreyvi, who lives onsite with the children. CIO is like a big family and the children receive healthy meals, clothing, medical and educational support.
- Sitha and Sreymom also provide the children with the opportunity to develop skills which will assist them in gaining employment and/or attend university as they become adults. Of course none of this would happen without the generous support of donors, all of which are welcome to attend the premises and witness where their donations are assisting/supporting the needs of the children (within strict Child Protection guidelines).
Please feel free to contact us should you require any further information, or feel that you have skills which could benefit the children or Organisation on a working holiday.
May 2017
Hi Everyone,
Nino and I would like to thank all for helping to raise funds for the New Deep Water Well at CIO Orphanage.
As you can see they have placed a sign to thank us all.
Special thanks to the Rockhampton and Sunshine Coast branches for all their efforts in raising funds.
(FYI the boy with the pink shirt his name is Buon Say and the girl in green T-shirt with him is Srouch Sreiyen).
This Deep Water Well will allow the orphanage and the surrounding village access to water during the Dry Season when the other well becomes dry.
We take for granted that we turn on a tap and fresh water is there for us to drink, bathe and wash clothes & dishes.
CIO Children and Sitha and Srey Mom thank you all from the bottom of their hearts.
Nino and I head off in April – May next year and will take more photos for you all.
For our next fund raiser we would like to increase the Electricity Amp to the Orphanage – our Aim will be $2000.
We have just been advised that if they use the fans at night for the children this causes all electricity in the orphanage to turn off. At the moment the weather is 39 degrees.
Again we cannot thank you enough.
Thanks from Leanne and Nino.
August 2017
Hi again Guys.
Thank you again for your awesome effort in raising money for the Well.
We are now trying to raise money to increase the Electricity Amp and would like your help with this.
Please let me know if you would like to help. We are aiming for $2000 but anything above that will allow us to do more for CIO.